I am excited to be finally offering my Animating With OpenToonz course!

Whilst the full course is still being added to and polished up, the existing material is ready and waiting for you.

This is a course I have been wanting to create ever since I started working with OpenToonz over 5 years ago. And I am excited to finally be bringing it out in 2024. 

The first parts are complete and ready for you, and the rest are currently in production and will follow really soon. 

Current production will be finalised in the final quarter of 2024. The first parts of the course (about 90% of it) are available and will get you well on your way in your journey with OpenToonz. So don't wait for the full course, dive in now and just get going. Trust me, this stuff (animation) takes time, so don't waste it, just get going.

Because of this "incomplete" status of the course, I am currently offering it at a discount to what the full price will eventually be when it is 100% complete. This discount is to entice you to get in now, before it is 100% complete, and save yourself some cash, later.

So if you are interested in learning how to animate with OpenToonz, then you should consider taking this course, and taking advantage of this discounted "early bird" offer.

A LOT of work is going into this course (I have been creating it for 2 years now) and I think you are going to love it. So if you think you would want it (and why wouldn't you), then please do yourself a favour and take advantage now by securing the course at this currently discounted price before it is 100% complete and goes to full price early in 2025.

It is going to be a great course, so please don't have regrets later that you didn't get in whilst it was discounted - secure yours whilst this discount is available - as once the course is complete this discount will forever fall away.

What is OpenToonz

A brief history

I came across OpenToonz years ago whilst looking at another great animation platform, “TV Paint”. 

I was watching a lot of Studio Ghibli films at the time, and got to learn that they had made many of their movies using something called Toonz. 

So I started to look into Toonz.

Toonz was a 2D animation platform built by an Italian company, Digital Video S.P.A. in Rome, Italy, in 1993. So the original version has been around now for 30 years. Yet it is still not that well known in the animation industry, which is more familiar with Flash, ToonBoom and perhaps TVPaint.

Toonz was customised for the legendary animation house, Studio Ghibli, and when it was released as an Open Source product by Dwango of Japan, it was known as the “Studio Ghibli Edition”, because of all the customisation that was created for Ghibli.

Ghibli used Toonz for many of their most well known movies, including “Spirited Away”, “Princess Monoke”, “My Neighbors the Yamadas” and “Howl’s Moving Castle”

However it wasn’t only Studio Ghibli who were producing world class animation with Toonz, other studios were developing games with it, and TV series, for example Rough Draft produced Matt Groening’s early “Futurama” & “Steven Universe” with it -  MTV produced  “The Maxx” and Fox produced “Anastasia”. All used Toonz at one stage in their production. Even Steven Spielberg’s animation company Amblimation used Toonz to create “Balto” back in 1995.

So Toonz was a big deal, used by some of the big names on major productions. 

Then at the end of March, 2016 -  Japanese publisher Dwango acquired the Toonz software from Digital Video, and released it as an Open Source product, called OpenToonz

Their intention was “to make Toonz a world standard for 2D animation,” said Claudio Mattei, managing director of Digital Video.

The news was a BIG deal in animation back in 2016.

Cartoon Brew’s Amid Amidi wrote at the time:

“The announcement of OpenToonz comes at a time when animation is experiencing the biggest boom period in its history. However, many of the young artists in these regions (South and Central America, Africa, the Middle East) do not have the resources to invest in proprietary software. That’s especially why we view OpenToonz, a free professional-grade 2D animation software, as a complete and total gamechanger for the animation industry moving forward. The animation floodgates just opened.

That is the back story to this amazingly powerful free software called OpenToonz.

Animating with OpenToonz

So, why take this course?

Whether you are just starting out in animation and you are looking for an easy yet powerful FREE animation platform to learn and perfect your craft, or you are a proficient animator and just want to expand your skill set and experience, and maybe want to see what is possible in another animation platform, Animating With OpenToonz is for you.

In this course I take you step by step through the many tools and methods available in OpenToonz to create animation work of an extremely high quality. 

I do this in a very hands on, practical way, as I help you create from scratch an amazing, beautiful and eye catching 2 scene piece of spectacular animation that will be your "take away" from this course. 

But more than that, your real take away will be the skills and techniques you will learn on this course that will speed up your animation journey with OpenToonz. You will learn everything I know from using the OpenToonz platform over the past several years to make my own award winning short films. 

This course is a deep dive into the power and depth of this amazing piece of 2D animation software called OpenToonz. 

OpenToonz is a powerful piece of software that has been developed and used for decades by none other than the famous Studio Ghibli! So, if you are looking around for a world class, proven 2D animation platform to apply to your own animation work, or even if you are already tinkering with OpenToonz and are stuck or just want to learn more and push your knowledge of it further, this is DEFINITELY the course for you! 


From students

Detailed teaching

David K. (Abu Dhabi, U.A.E)

"Its refreshing, he takes time to go through a lot. No regrets taking this course. Rated 5 out of 5"

Accessible to both experienced and aspiring animators

Rodney B. (Illinois, USA)

Love your youtube videos James. All very accessible to both experienced and aspiring artists/animators. Your 'Animating with Opentoonz' course is outstanding as well. Keep up the great work!

Thanks for all the effort that you put into making the course

Thomas W. (Texas, USA)

I just signed up for the course. It looks like a very good one. 👍 Thank you James. I look forward to learning animation, I've been interested in it for a long time. Thanks for all the effort that you put into making the course.

What's in the course?

Here is what's in the Animating With OpenToonz course, in brief.

This will be a very practical course.

Initially the idea I had for the course was to have a very structured course that goes through each part of OpenToonz in a very structured, detailed way. Some of that will remain, however I have changed the structure now to make it more "hands on" and practical. 

So, let's dive straight in and see what's in this Animating With OpenToonz course.

Course structure and format

The course will first cover the Basics, where you will discover where everything is, what it does and how to use it. You will need this part to get to know your away around the OpenToonz interface, especially if you have never used OpenToonz before. 

We will start with the installation process of OpenToonz and it's setting up so you can render out and import various (Mpeg) video formats.

Then once you have it installed, and you have covered some of the basics of the tools and drawing techniques that can be used, you will dive immediately into using OpenToonz to create some very cool animations.

The format on offer in the course, is currently 2 scenes - the first relatively simple, and the second a bit more complex. The idea is that you can follow along and do some, or all, of the creation in these scenes, or just sit back and watch, and learn.

The choice is up to you. I know some students will just want to get their hands dirty right from the start, and get going with the creation process whilst others may want to sit back and observe. We are all different. And maybe the scenes that I have created here are not something that you may want to create yourself. You may have your own ideas, and I expect you will. But if not, and you just want to follow along how I create these scenes, then that is fine too.

How ever you interact with this course, whether you get involved in the creation of these scenes, or simply watch and learn, it really is up to you.

In each video, I will show you step by step how I did something, in such a way that you can follow along and do the same. Or at least learn and understand how I did it, whether you do it or not yourself. 

In each scene there will be several steps and tasks and in working through each step and in doing each task you will learn how to use a specific part of OpenToonz. The tasks may seen complex at first, but after a while, you will start to understand what each thing is, and the tasks will start to seem easier. As we work our way through the scenes, we will also be working or way through what OpenToonz has to offer. 


Do you need to do all the tasks in the course?

Heck no! You don't have to do any tasks. It is up to you. You may learn by watching. And you may want to take what you learn, and apply it to your own animated scene or creation. That is totally up to you.

The course, and how you work through it, does not depend on you doing all the tasks. You can pick and choose what you want to do. But perhaps if you are a little like me, the more you do, and the more you "practice" by doing, the faster the learning will happen. Plus, the more you do of these tasks, the better the end product will be. And that end product will be your very own creation. Your take away from this course. So it's in your best interests, I believe anyway, to do as much of the tasks as you can. And even do more, if you feel like it.

I will set out the scenes as they are in this course, from my creations. But please be free to change it all to your own desire. I am not encouraging you to copy the material as set out in the course, exactly as I have presented it. I would rather encourage you to bring in some new creative material, your own material. You may not like the settings I have created. Awesome, please create your own. Create your own assets, back grounds, people etc - you are in charge here. I have just set out an animation that can either be followed, added to, or just used as a rough guide. The choice is yours.

Just have fun, and learn. That is the main goal here! 

So what exactly is in the course? Let's explore that now...


Initially in the first part of the course, Basics, you will cover all the moving parts of the OpenToons platform. You will look at installing the latest version of OpenToonz and how to add and install correctly the FFmpeg files that are necessary to import and export MP4 video files. You will need to be able to do this (import and export MP4 video files) often in your future animation work. 

Then you will look at things like the layout of the workspace, specifically the "rooms" OpenToons is organised into, and the Tool and Function bars. And you will look at what's available in each. You will look at the Schematic & FX windows, and the Function editor, the X-sheet etc. 

This will all be at an introductory level. We will dive into each in more detail later as we get to the creation parts of the course. But these introductory lessons will enable you to see what's available in OpenToonz, and how to navigate your way around. 

Ok. The creating is about to begin! 

Scene 1

In Scene 1, you will start creating!

After looking at the various options available, you will begin creating your first drawings in OpenToonz. You will cover the various ways OpenToonz allows you to draw and create your work, looking at the different types of layers available, like vectors & rasters and some special OpenToonz formats of both of these. You will look at how to create and edit objects and lines, and fill them, paint them etc. Then you will create your first project folder, and start creating your first scene by creating drawings and assets you will come back to later in the course.

You have begun!

Once you have created some drawings and assets, you will then take a look at creating your first animation in OpenToonz. You will look at the various ways OpenToonz allows you to animate, and you will do your first Frame By Frame animation. Later on in the course you will get to Puppet or Cut-Out animation, and using Plastic and Skeletons to animate. But Frame by Frame animation is where you will start. 

Relax, you will get to everything... this journey has only begun!

Scene 2 

In the second scene of the course, you will create some more drawings and assets. Just this time they will be a little more complex and plentiful than in Scene 1. You will also look at creating some beautiful back grounds and you will be introduced to a variety of ways to create these back grounds. Then you will learn some amazing ways to animate these backgrounds so that the scene starts to get depth and almost looks 3D! This is the amazing 2.5D aspect of using multiplanes, and you will be introduced to it in this scene. As it will be vital to this scene working well, you may want to spend some extra time here. 

Around this point you will start to dig a bit deeper into some more advanced methods of animating that OpenToonz offers, like using Skeletons, Plastic and IK to animate. You will apply these methods to some of your creations here, and this scene will start to "come alive".

You will now be ready to create a camera fly through that will give he illusion of depth, as earlier mentioned, and the scene with start to feel almost 3D. You will also be shown how to create multiple cameras around the scene so you can shoot the same animation from a variety of angles, distances etc. so as to have unique footage for editing and compositing later. 

At this stage you will be shown how to separate the scenes into various layers ready to apply the next steps, the FX. 

Adding FX

In this part, you will be shown how to use all the powerful FX tools that are available in OpenToonz. You will look at the many filters & special effects (FX) that OpenToonz offers, like light, shadow, water, dust, mist, smoke, reflection etc - and you will be shown how you can apply these to your scenes. These FX applications will change your scenes radically, and you will soon become very accustomed to using them as you dig deeper into the power and depth of OpenToonz.

Rendering out the separate layers

You will be shown how to render out the separate layers of your scenes in such a way that you can composite them together in your editing software. The trick here is to render these layers in such a way that the FX are applied correctly to them, and then most importantly, the backgrounds of each layer are transparent, so they can later be composited. 


After rendering out the various levels of your scenes, you will need to put it all together in a compositing, or editing software. I will introduce you to the software I am currently using, ShotCut. And you will be shown how to composit and edit these scenes in ShotCut. However, you may have or want to use a specific editing software, such as DaVinci Resolve or Adobe After Effects etc. - that is up to you. Just know that I will be using ShotCut in this course, but what I do will be applicable to what ever editing/compositing software you are using.

You may even want to use OpenToonz for this process, as it certainly do compositing, and we will cover that too.

Adding sound and final editing 

Once the various layers have been rendered and composited, there is only one thing to do, and that is add sound and do a last final edit. I will show you my favourite source of (free) sound effects, and you can apply them to the final edit of your scenes. Then we will do one final render, and the project is done!

Congratulations!! You have just created an amazing piece of animation that you can be both amazed by, that you created this, and proud of, because you created this! You can now post it on all your socials, put in your Show Reel or up on your YouTube channel.

You did this, you should be proud! Oh, and along the way, you have mastered OpenToonz. 

A big achievement. 

Well done!

Postscript of the course

Here you will look at everything you have learnt and done in this course. You have done A LOT, and this is just a quick refresher and a shortened version of everything you have covered. 

Extra material

This section will remain "live" and will be updated from time to time for the life of this course, which will be a very, very long time.

Whether it is something I have created or animated in OpenToonz, or perhaps it is a new OpenToonz feature or tool - what ever it is that I feel is appropriate to your continued growth and learning, will be added here over time. 

It is bonus material, not connected directly to the course, but will perhaps be of interest to you if you check in after you have completed the course anytime in the future.

And that's it! That's what's in the course. 

I certainly hope you have been inspired and intrigued enough that you will look into taking the course. It will be a pleasure and a privilege to have you onboard!


Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Temporary - Intro to course (updated - 16 December 2024)

    • A little about me, your instructor for this course

    • Sketching out the scenes

    • Downloading OpenToonz & setting up the FF Mpeg files

    • Installing a new version of OpenToonz (Version 7.1) and setting up the ffmpeg files

    • The Sandbox & Project files

    • Rooms, Taskbar & X-sheet

    • Tools

    • Rasters & Vectors

    • Vector manipulation & intro to colour

    • Schematics & FX

    • More on Rasters & Vectors

    • Colours & Style Palette

  • 2

    Scene 1

    • Introduction to Scene 1

    • Setting up a Project, Scene & Studio Palette

    • Importing the BG reference & colour picking

    • Finding & importing reference material

    • Artwork (AW) for Scene 1

    • Creating the Rocks

    • Creating the Buoy

    • Creating the Waves

    • Creating the Dolphin

    • Creating the Boat

    • Adding detail to the Boat

    • Creating the Splashes

    • Creating the Bird

    • Creating more Waves

    • Creating the Sky

    • Parenting the Splashes

    • Animating the Bird

    • Animating the Waves - part 1

    • Animating the Waves - part 2

    • Animating the Waves - part 3

    • Animating the Buoy

    • Animating the Splashes

    • Animating the Dolphin

    • Animating the Boat

    • Animating the Radar

    • Animating the Flag

    • Animating the Smoke

    • Animating the Camera

    • Rendering the scene out - 1st pass

    • Rendering the scene out - 2nd pass

    • End of Scene 1

  • 3

    Scene 2

    • The Plan for Scene 2

    • Creating the Splash

    • Creating & animating the Seagull

    • Creating the Fishing Boat

    • Creating the Wake

    • Adding secondary movement to the Fishing Boat

    • Creating the Fishermen

    • Animating the Fishermen

    • Creating the Back Ground - part 1

    • Importing & organising the back ground layers

    • Creating the Railway Bridge

    • Creating the buildings

    • Creating the Warehouses

    • Creating the Front Buildings

    • Creating the Sea Walls

    • Creating the sea

    • Creating the Sky

    • Kumoworks - a more detailed look at this great cloud drawing app.

    • The Scene so far

    • Creating the Draw Bridge

    • Creating the Cranes

    • Walk Cycle Templates

    • Importing Characters to the scene

    • Creating a character and animating it with Plastic

    • Using existing artwork to create animated characters - Part 1

    • Using existing artwork to create animated characters - Part 2

    • Using existing artwork to create animated characters - Part 3

    • Creating a character & animating it with the Skeleton tool

    • Creating the Father & Son

    • Bouncing the ball

    • Animating the second move, ball dropping into the sea

    • Creating the Seal

    • The seal walk

    • The seal dive

    • Seal finding the ball

    • The ball throw

    • Adding the face to the seal

    • Putting it together

    • Animating the father & son

    • Adding detail to the harbour - Part 1

    • Adding detail to the harbour - Part 2

    • The harbour scene - Part 1

    • The harbour scene - Part 2

    • Creating a small row boat

    • Separating the scene into separate layers (scenes)

    • Flattening the harbour layer into a Sub Xsheet

    • Adding a lorry (truck) to the harbour layer

    • Adding trees to the FG layer

    • Adding vehicles to the FG layer

    • Adding wall art and signs to FG layer

    • Adding signage & detail to harbour layer

    • Rendering out the layers

    • Compositing the layers

    • Adding the seagulls

    • Rendering & Compositing the seagulls

    • Adding waves to the scene

    • Adding the waves to the composite

    • Cleaning up the harbour entrance

    • Adding shore waves

    • Adding the white shore break waves

    • Adding the Dolphins

    • Adding the Tug

    • Adding the Rocks & Bouy

    • Adding the Albatross

    • Adjusting the Tugs bow wave

    • Adjusting the Plastic of the Dolphin

    • Adding more detail to the Harbour

    • Creating reflections

    • Reflections of the Man, Ball & Ball

    • Reflections of the workers

    • From the Locomotion Course Bundle; Adding the Birds to the scene

    • Birds - seperate

    • Animated sequence - long version

    • Animated sequence - medium version

    • Importing the birds (from the Locomotion Bundle course)

    • Adding a flock of birds

    • One last move

    • "Place marker" - the end of material so far (current date is 11 December 2024)

    • Creating depth using multi-planes

    • Using multi-planes in Scene 2

    • Cameras

    • Animating the Camera(s)

  • 4

    Adding FX (Effects)

    • Looking at the FX

    • More FX - the Light

    • More FX - the Smoke

  • 5

    Rendering out the separate layers

    • Setting the scene up for Rendering

    • Rendering out the layers with transparent back grounds

  • 6


    • Introduction to compositing

    • Compositing - the choices of platforms to use

    • Compositing using ShotCut

    • Importing all the layers into ShotCut

    • Compositing Scene 2

  • 7

    Adding sound and final editing

    • Sound & sound effects

    • Sources of (free) sound effects

    • Applying the sound effects to the scene

    • The final edit

    • The final render

    • The rendered scene

    • Creating a DCP file for projection at movie theatres

  • 8

    Postscript of the course

    • Postscript - what have you learnt?

    • What to look forward to in the future

  • 9

    Extra material

    • Example #1

    • Example #2

    • Example #3


I will be your course instructor


James Whitelaw

I have been an Animator and Illustrator for over 20 years. Apart from 2 years of art school, I am self taught in all aspects of my work. If I can make someone else's journey shorter and easier, through my courses, then I have achieved my goal. I animate and illustrate daily in my professional capacity, and creating courses and teaching is a means to pass on some of the expertise I have gathered over the years to others, like yourself. It is also something I really enjoy doing! Animation certainly is the most wonderful craft, both to learn, and to teach. If you decide to take one of my courses, I hope you will enjoy learning from it as much as I have enjoyed teaching it. But whether or not you take a course of mine on your animation journey, I sincerely wish you all the best in your animation endeavours.


What's included in the course

The Course includes:

1. Over 100 lessons

2. Over 15 hours of video

3. All the basics of OpenToonz

4. Multiple Drawing Techniques

5. Animation Techniques

6. All the powerful FX options

7. Advanced techniques

8. Downloadables

9. Lifetime access

10. 30 day money back guarantee  


  • Do I download the course onto my computer?

    No, the course will be available on Thinkific for you to log in and engage with at any time. The advantage of this is it is "always there", and can not ever be lost.

  • What about updates and new material?

    That is another great advantage of having it on the Thinkific platform; all new material that may be added after your initial purchase will automatically be available to you. So you will always have access to the most current version of the course you purchase, no matter when you purchase it.

  • What if I decide I don't want the course after purchase?

    As long as it is within 30 days of purchase, you will receive a full refund if you decide for what ever reason that you no longer want the course.

Here is the reason you needn't wait to buy.

All the courses are priced at their lowest prices.

There is no reason to wait to make a course purchase. Each and every course is priced at the lowest price it will EVER be. They start at the lowest price, when they are launched, and only increase in price over time. They will never get "cheaper". There is a very good reason we do this; to protect you, our valued student and client. Please see the more detailed explanation in the "Pricing of  courses" section below if you need to know more. 

Order now!

The full course is currently still under construction, and as such I am offering the course at a 40% "early bird" special price of $30. The final price, when it is fully completed, will be $45 or $50. So take advantage of this current discount and secure your OpenToonz course at this currently discounted price!

  • Access for life

    Once purchased, you will have access to the course for life. You will never pay again but the new material that is added in future over the lifetime of the course will be yours to use and keep.

  • Over 3 hours of video instruction.

    When completed, this course will include over 12 hours of video instruction in over 100 lessons. A very comprehensive course covering all OpenToonz has to offer.

  • 30 day money back guarantee

    If within 30 days of your purchase you are unhappy with the course for what ever reason, you will be fully refunded, no questions asked.

Pricing of courses.

Why the price of any course will never come down.

We price our courses at the most cost efficient price we believe is possible. We are very aware that many of our students are young and/or very price sensitive, and we are also very aware of the current economic environment, so we set the prices at the lowest possible level we can, whilst keeping in mind the time and effort that goes into our courses.  

We don't want to offer "cheap" courses, we would rather offer the best courses we can make at the best prices we feel we can offer them at. 

We want to create "value" in all the courses we make.

We also do not, and will not, reduce our prices in the future. So we don't have "sales", offer discounts or jump on the "Black Friday" sales wagon that comes around every year.

So, we will never reduce the cost of a course once we have students on board. 

The reason for this is simple; we appreciate the students that part with their valuable cash, and we don't want to "cheapen" or "under cut" their purchase. So if anything, the courses will only increase in price, and value, over time. But they will never get cheaper. 

This is to protect you, our valued student and student and client.

So if you purchase one of the current courses at $25, it won't get cheaper next week, next month, or next year. What will most likely happen, however, is the price will increase over time as more material, and new sections are added to the course over time. So the courses going for $25 today, may be going for $30 next year, and possibly $40 the year after. 

A good example of this is the "Making A Short Animated Movie" course. It was initially priced at $15 and now is is currently priced at $35. 

It will be repriced at $40 when part 4 of the film and the course are completed, then it will be be priced at $45 after part 5 is completed, $50 after part 6, then at $55 after part 7 and finally it will be priced at $60 after part 8 is completed, and the full course is completed.

The price may rise even higher than the $60 mark in future as more material is added post production, and the course work is updated. I expect it will be priced at $65-70 when complete.

So, it  will increase in price later as new material is added after completion. But it will never go down in price. So if you buy it now at $35, you are locking in a 50% saving on its future price. But if you buy it in a few months at $40, or even $45 - you never need to fear that it will be repriced at $35 again, or even it's initial price of $15 - after you have bought it. 

It won't.

 This is to protect the value of your purchase. What you buy today, you will never get "cheaper" tomorrow, or next month, or next year.

And so it will be that no matter what price point you purchase this or any other course on James Whitelaw Animation - the price will never go down.

So you can rest assured the value of your purchase will never be under mined. Plus, you can be sure too that your purchase price will always be the lowest it can be. It will never be "cheaper".

We hope this gives you some reassurance that the value of your purchase will never be discounted in future. 

Also, we hope this encourages you to make a purchase at any time, knowing that the price you see for a course is the lowest it will ever be. You needn't wait in the hope that it will be discounted in the future - it won't be.  If anything, the price may be higher in future,

So if you want to purchase a course, there is no time like today. 

Enroll now & save

The final parts of the course are still being created and are being added to the course almost daily until it is 100% complete. I expect that will be by the end on January 2025, latest. Then it will be available at the final full price of $45-50. Currently it is being offered at around a 40% discount, at $30. So if you want to take the course, and save at the same time, enroll now. But please hurry, as this discount will not last much longer.